Let's Get Started - Apply Now for 2024-2025 school year.
Flint Community Schools Montessori Elementary Application
Grades Kindergarten through 6th for 2024-25
This online application is for Flint Community Schools' public Montessori elementary program. Apply Now for 2024-2025 school year. Before completing it, please consider:
Is your child currently enrolled in the Flint Montessori program? (Current students do not need to apply in order to continue.)
Do you live within Genesee County? (Students must live within Flint or Genesee County in order to be eligible.)
Will your student be at least 5 years old by September 1 of the school year you wish to begin Kindergarten? (If not, please check out the pre-kindergarten program instead.)
This application is for the elementary program only. If you are interested in pre-kindergarten, please follow these steps to pre-register.
Submitting this application is the first step in joining the Flint Montessori elementary program. To be complete, applications must include transcripts, behavior reports, and Special Education documents (if applicable) from the most recent school attended. (This is not applicable for current Flint Community Schools students or those who never attended school before.) Applications received by May 31, 2024 will be considered as a group; applications received after will be considered as spots are available. Hard copies of the application are available at the Flint Community Schools Centralized Enrollment Office (located at 923 E. Kearsley St. Flint, MI 48503).
Applications will be weighed based on the following:
Prior Montessori experience
The family’s intentional, informed choice to pursue Montessori education and use similar approaches at home
Having a sibling in the Flint Community Schools Montessori program
City of Flint residence
Additional factors considered may include the number of available slots in a grade level and the ability of the program/school to meet the individual needs of the student. We strongly encourage families to become familiar with Montessori education and the Flint Montessori Program Expectations before deciding if this is the best choice for your child. Additional information and links about Montessori education are available on the "What is Montessori?" page.